Photo courtesy of: Greg Land

A Guide to Higher Ed P3s

July 25, 2018

“A Guide to Higher Education Public-Private Partnerships,” presented by Brailsford & Dunlavey, is available for download.

This seven-part series on P3s in the higher education space is intended to educate readers on this dynamic market—its history, opportunities, misconceptions, and more. It should be noted that every P3 deal is unique and this document is only an introductory overview. The guide includes:

Download the full guide here: A Guide to Higher Ed Public-Private Partnerships

"The leadership and information from B&D, and the clarity with which they provide it, brings added credibility to the process and ensures that a range of university stakeholders, including senior leadership and our board, are fully informed for – and confident in – their required decision making.”

B.J. Crain, Former Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration
Texas Woman’s University

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