Photo courtesy of: Greg Land

B&D Teams Up With Texas Christian University for P3 to Improve Student Housing

September 5, 2023

Texas Christian University has issued a request for qualifications (RFQ) for a private partner to design, build, finance, maintain, and in most cases, operate assets both on campus and along its Berry Street campus edge.

On campus, TCU is seeking a partner to deliver two lower-division student housing projects, while along its edge the partner will deliver a mixed-use development across multiple university-owned sites that would include upper-division student housing, office, retail, and parking.

Furthermore, the project will entail the implementation of a district energy solution to support the assets along Berry Street.

To obtain the RFQ, interested parties are required to contact Taylor Thompson via email at and have until August 31, 2023, to send their letter of intent to submit to the RFQ.

Development advisory firm Brailsford & Dunlavey is working with TCU on the project.

This is an excerpt from a subscription article originally posted by the P3 Bulletin. Read the full piece here.

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B.J. Crain, Former Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration
Texas Woman’s University

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